In Ron Larsen’s works, he seeks to depict our need to be integrated with our natural surroundings. This theme is clearly evident in one evocative series of Larsen’s works which incorporate smooth glass faces and organic elements such as a piece of driftwood or a stone. Other glass works are abstract designs celebrating a love for the colors and order of nature.
Juli Schuszler’s vibrant oil paintings highlight the beauty of nature. A representational painter, her artwork includes intense color and focuses on the play of light and shadow. She focuses on all aspects of the natural world, including florals, landscapes, seascapes, and portraits of both people and animal life. Her love of nature and her appreciation of beauty is evident in her art, whether she paints a large tropical palm in Florida or a quiet countryside scene in Gloucester. Her portfolio is filled with images that celebrate the beauty that surrounds us all. Juli paints so she can share the real pleasure and joy she finds in nature.
TAG is an acronym for Tappahannock Artists’ Guild and Tappahannock Art Gallery. We are dedicated to making our community a more beautiful place.