04/10/25_Matting & Prep for Framing

APR 10 | 10am to 12:30 pm

Overview: Step-by-step demonstration, including measurements, mat cutting, and framing. Handouts with links to online sales of materials and supplies.
Cost: $15
Instructor: Frank Rixey

FRANK RIXEY found his inspiration for art in the second grade when he entered his first art competition with an image of wild horses, depicted with Crayola Crayons. Although primarily self-taught, he received formal art instruction at Woodberry Forest School and the University of Virginia.

Frank has always enjoyed using pencil, charcoal and watercolor. However, only during the past fifteen years, since his retirement from public education, has he discovered some of the better qualities of the watercolor medium. During that time he enjoyed the support and guidance of the “Rivah Country Painters” in developing his watercolor skills and techniques. Frank continues to expand his art interests by participating in a variety of workshops (portraits, mixed media, mosaics, plein air techniques, basic drawing, etc.). Frank’s preferred subjects include landscapes, water scenes (including boats, piers, and creeks, primarily in the Middle Peninsula and Northern Neck), wildlife, old homes, people and pets. He has been doing commissioned work involving “house portraits”. Frank’s best pieces show a strong use of light and shadow.

Frank has exhibited in numerous shows from the City of Richmond to the Middle Peninsula and Northern Neck. His main body of work has been on display at the Tappahannock Art Gallery. He has served as the founding president and the education chair of the Tappahannock Artists Guild, a group committed to its vision; “Art for the Community and a Community for Artists”.

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Price: $15.00