03-28-25 Elements of Nature: Featuring Works by Jon Larsen and Juli Schuszler
03-28-25 Elements of Nature: Featuring Works by Jon Larsen and Juli Schuszler
02-28-25 | ART EXHIBIT OPENING RECEPTION: RONDA ROTZ “THE POWER OF CREATIVITY” TAG’s Art Exhibit Opening Receptions are free of charge and open to the public. Please join us and support the arts in our community. Don’t forget to enjoy all the fun of Date Night in Tappahannock!
01/31/2025: Art Exhibit | FROM THEN TO NOW Featuring the work of Ann BEVERLY Eubank OPENING RECEPTION: Jan 31st | 4:30 -7:00 Born Ann Beverly Hundley I was raised on a farm in Essex County. I graduated from St. Margaret’s School and attended college in North Carolina and VCU in Richmond where I was acceptedContinue reading
*Date [date1 /dāt/ noun 1. the day of the month or year as specified by a number. 2. the oblong edible fruit of a tall Old World palm. 3. a social or romantic appointment or engagement. Webster NEXT DATE NIGHT IS JAN 31ST Date Night in Tappahannock is a progressive party that takes place on bothContinue reading
TAG is an acronym for Tappahannock Artists’ Guild and Tappahannock Art Gallery. We are dedicated to making our community a more beautiful place.