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11/28/2024 Holiday Art Market at TAG

NOV 29 – DEC 1TAG HOLIDAY ART MARKETHand-crafted gifts created by the artists members of the Tappahannock Artists’ Guild. ARTIST: LESLIE RENNOLDS Fiber art including felted & beaded trees; hand-knitted cowls with handmade ceramice buttons. Hair embellishments include beaded chopsticks and combs. Collection also includes bell earrings and beaded earrings. ARTIST: NATHAN POPE These richlyContinue reading

Date Night in Tappahannock

*Date [date1 /dāt/ noun 1. the day of the month or year as specified by a number. 2. the oblong edible fruit of a tall Old World palm. 3. a social or romantic appointment or engagement. Webster NEXT DATE NIGHT IS OCT 25TH Date Night in Tappahannock is a progressive party that takes place on bothContinue reading