Our Places and People: A Juried Photography Show

Residents of the Commonwealth of Virginia, aged 18 and older, are invited to submit photographs that reveal a place, person, or emotion that is special to the artist or the viewer, was taken in Virginia, and that speaks to the theme of “Our Places and People.”

All details about the rules of registration and submission, entry fees and important dates are outlined in the Entry Brochure, which can be downloaded and printed by clicking on the image to the right. 

A bio of our Judge, John McDonnell, is also included. Just to pique your interest, John is a celebrated and award-winning photographer who recently retired from a 45+ year career as a photographer for the Washington Post. (Some of his work is included in the brochure.)


June 12:    Applications and fees due
June 18:    Notification of acceptance
June 24:   Printed and framed photos delivered to gallery (title and artist name on back)
June 28:   Opening reception from 5:30 to 7 p.m.
July 20:    Art picked up by artists


Click for printable PDF